1. Scope
    This policy applies to anyone performing work (you/workers) for Snap Ride Pty Ltd ABN 89 651 866 376 (Company).

  2. Overview
    The Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has greatly impacted our everyday lives and the way the Company operates. In order to ensure the safety of the Company’s employees and clients, in addition to meeting the Company’s obligations under any applicable public health orders, the Company has developed this COVID-19 Policy.

  3. Purpose of this policy
    The Company is committed to complying with its obligations under work health and safety legislation to provide a healthy and safe workplace for its workers. Accordingly, the Company will take reasonably practicable steps to identify, control, protect against the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 in the workplace. This policy sets out the measures the Company is taking in respect of COVID-19 and what the Company expects of workers during this time.

  4. Government directives
    This policy represents the Company’s approach to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this policy is in all respects subject to any overriding Government directive or law. For example, if the Government mandates that workers must remain at home, or that the Company’s workplace must close, then such a directive will override this policy.

    The Company refers its workers to the various Government websites (both Federal and State) which contain up to date information public health orders relating to COVID-19.

  5. What measures is the Company taking?
    To promote the health and safety of workers who are required to attend the workplace, the Company will:
    • endeavour to provide and maintain a safe working environment;
    • provide information, training and instruction to workers to promote health and safety;
    • provide adequate facilities to allow workers to practice good hygiene (including, but not limited to, hand sanitiser and face masks at the workplace); and
    • consult with workers about work health and safety issues relevant to preventing the spread of COVID-19.
  6. What measures should workers take?
    While performing duties at our workplace, and travelling to and from work, workers must:
    • take reasonable care to ensure their own health and safety, and that of their colleagues and the Company’s clients;
    • follow any safe work procedures or protocols that the Company implements from time to time;
    • not attend work if they feel unwell or if suspect they may have come into contact with someone who may have been exposed to COVID-19, and:
      • give the Company an indication of their expected return date and notify the Company as soon as possible if this date changes;
      • monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and comply with the Government’s guidelines in relation to self-isolation;
      • take a COVID-19 rapid antigen or PCR test and return a negative result before returning to work; and
    • practice good hygiene (including washing hands regularly and covering their nose and mouth when sneezing and/or coughing).

  7. Vaccinations
    The ongoing rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations is an important additional safety measure being driven by various government bodies, that will assist the community, but also organisations including our Company, to continue providing a safe and healthy work environment.

    The Company cares about all of its workers and therefore, the Company encourages you to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

    In order to meet the Company’s obligations as an employer, the Company may, at any time, require its workers to be vaccinated against any particular disease or infection. This may be a condition of employment or engagement (as relevant) with the Company. The Company will only make vaccinations a requirement where:
    1. a specific law (such as a state or territory public health order) requires workers to be vaccinated; or
    2. it would be lawful and reasonable to give workers a direction to be vaccinated in order to meet the Company’s obligations under workplace health and safety legislation.

  8. Vaccination policy
    In the event that the Company is directed by health orders or where the Company deems vaccination necessary, the Company will:

    • seek appropriate medical advice to ensure that vaccination meets all Government and health authority guidelines as well as other related vaccination schedules;
    • encourage workers to seek their own independent medical advice;
    • provide information to all workers on the relevant health order; and
    • ensure that the workplace is a safe place and minimise transmission or risks of infectious diseases being transmitted in the workplace.

    Where vaccination is not deemed mandatory by the Company or a worker is unable to be vaccinated for any reason, the Company will implement relevant alternative control measures to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the workplace. 

    The Company may also require its workers to provide evidence that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 via provision of a COVID-19 digital certificate or your immunisation history statement.

  9. Contravening this policy
    A failure to comply with health and safety requirements or this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken, up to and including termination of employment or engagement as relevant.

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